Drive your car through the gate to get inside. Intolerance Set: When you fast travel to this location, you are placed in front of a gate. Bullocks Wilshire: Enter the atrium, and go down the set of stairs on the left.
Hug the building, and take the first left down a thin hedge lined path that ends in a metal staircase. LA County Art Museum: As you face the front of the Museum, go to the right to the Staff Parking area. West Lake Tar Pits: On the porch of the small white building by the tar pits.ħ. The badge is in the middle of this path.Ħ. Crossroads To The World: As you look at the main central attraction, walk forward, and there is a small path to the other side a few feet in. Musso And Franks: Around back in the parking lot under the green awning entrance.ĥ.
Max Factor Building: Drive a car through the fenced in area it is on the ground by the dumpster.Ĥ. Hotel Roosevelt: In the front door area on the street.ģ. There are two small red carpets one on each side of the entrance to the theater. Grauman's Theater: As you face the theater, there is the large red carpet. This is bonus DLC for players that pre-ordered from GameStop/GAME.ġ. Search the indicated locations to find all 20 hidden shields and complete the Badge Pursuit Challenge to get the Button Man outfit.